Cover Image of the 2019 Cookbook

Living Healthy with PWS Cookbook Series

We published our first cookbook, Living Healthy with PWS: Cookbook and Nutrition Tips, in 2018. Written for the community of parents and caregivers of those with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), the cookbook is a complete resource for planning nutritious, delicious meals for individuals with PWS, and it includes tips and advice from experts in the field.

What's Included in the Living Healthy Cookbook

The menu consists of a Mediterranean based diet – low in carbohydrates and dairy, and high in omega-3s. The Living Healthy guide includes articles on physical fitness, nutrition, and meal planning. Popular Latham menu items are presented in an easy-to-follow format, as well as a seven-day meal plan based on calorie count which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. The Living Healthy cookbook also includes health-related articles and tips for families caring for a loved one diagnosed with PWS, a rare, life-threatening genetic disorder with no known cure.

Your Gifts in Action

There was a resounding need. Professionals across the nation reported that they were implementing our meal plan in their group homes or programs for individuals with PWS.

It was right on trend. “The Mediterranean diet got the top ranking in U.S. News’ list,” according to a CBS News article published in January 2019. “The heart-healthy diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains…”

Since publishing our first cookbook, we’ve tweaked our menu slightly by adding new recipes and modifying others to incorporate food preferred by our residents. Cookbook readers inquired about more dessert options, and some requested more information about recipe carbohydrates and proteins. Desserts are a highlight of occasional “treat days” for our residents. Planned treat days celebrate holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions. In this supplement, per the request of our readers, we’ve included four desserts associated with each season that are less caloric compared to standard dessert recipes.

As a result, we have created this seasonally-based cookbook supplement which includes recipes for soups, salads, and desserts. Authors of the Living Healthy with PWS cookbook include Paul E. Donahue, Jr., Melanie Silverman, MS, RD, IBCLC, and Patrice Carroll, LCSW. The goal of the collaborative work was to share their expertise and extensive experience with families in the international PWS community. At Latham Centers, the results of the new menu implementation have been dramatic and uplifting:

  • Our students and adult residents lost more than 400 pounds in the first year (98 residents),
  • There has been a reduction in insulin medication for some of our residents,
  • Some of our residents previously diagnosed with sleep apnea no longer need to use CPAP machines, Children and adults at Latham have reduced cholesterol counts and lower blood pressure, and
    We have observed an increase in our residents’ energy and motivation to exercise independently.

Cookbook and Nutrition Tips (2018):
Within the U.S.: $35 donation
International: $50 donation


Cookbook Supplement (2019):
Within the U.S.: $20 donation
International: $25 donation

Living Healthy with PWS cookbook or supplement!

Contact for additional information:

Latham Centers' Admissions & Marketing Department
(508) 896-5776 ext. 237

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Reaching for the Future

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Ways to Give

You can Make a Difference

A gift to Latham Centers will make a difference in the life of each and every individual we serve. To make it as easy as possible for you to donate, we offer a variety of gift vehicles …Read more.